Project: Construction of an ECDC (Early Childhood Development Centre), consisting of a classroom block of 3 classrooms, an office and store room. Attached to this classroom block, latrine block will be built for the school children.
Goal is to improve access to pre-primary school for children in the age of 3-6 years old. This ECD centre will be constructed at Nkhalamutheta village in Traditional Authority Mwalweni in Rumphi district, Malawi. The project is planned for November 2023, according to the program plans of our partner organization EPR in Malawi. Atos will build this centre with support (both financially as well as fysically, manual labour) of Atos employees in collaboration with a local contracter.
This project is part of Help a Child Malawi’s early childhood development effort to ensure that children have access to early learning and stimulation. This prepares them for primary school education, help them to develop passion for education and stay in school. Literature shows that children who have started their education from pre-school learning have a higher chance of finishing their primary education without repeating a class than those that started primary education straight from home.
Picture of ECDC which was build elsewhere in Malawi:

After 21 years, starting 2002 and 13 Atos Foundation construction projects, delayed due to Corona, this will be the last one. 14 (ex) Atos employees are participating, all having contributed to at least 2 other Atos Foundation projects. Again the participants will pay their own costs like flight, sleeping, food and drinks. And they will do fundraising so we are able to pay part of the school. The total costs will be at least € 40.000, detailed calculation to come
This project is based on a joint venture between Atos Foundation and the Dutch Red een Kind Foundation (www.redeenkind.nl), like the Rwanda project in 2019.
The group of 14 people was in Malawi November 5 till November 19. Click here for their story or here for pictures.

So, for anybody reading this: We still need funds for this ECDC as the total project costs €40.000, part of this is needed in 2024.
Or you can transfer your gift to our bankaccount NL29ABNA0500288208 t.a.v. stichting AFo Eindhoven o.v.v. gift Malawi.
If you have any questions, please send a mail to AF-Bouwreizen@atos.net.
Additional background information from Red een Kind in Dutch:
For those who are interested, you’ll find here also the construction drawings and location maps: